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One-way flights from the best comparison sites




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  • We compare
  • Kayak
  • Skyscanner
  • Momondo
  • Cheapflights
  • Jetradar
  • Kiwi

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2. Compare the best search engines
2. Compare the best search engines
2. Compare the best search engines

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How FlightsFinder Works

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How FlightsFinder finds the cheapest one-way flights with the best flight comparison sites

How FlightsFinder finds the cheapest one-way flights with the best flight comparison sites

We have developed the world's first one-way meta-meta flight search® engine at This means that we search the best flight comparison sites (aka meta-search engines/ flight aggregators) for the cheapest one-way flights from one easy to use dashboard. It is necessary to search multiple search engines to find the lowest priced one-way flights as different sites have different prices. We search all the leading comparison sites, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, momondo,, Jetradar, Cheapflights and more. You can potentially save up to 20% off one-way flights simply by price comparing numerous sites via our flight finder. Why not give it a go right now.

How to find cheap one-way flights: Questions & Answers

What are the world's best one-way flight search engines?

The best one-way flight search engines on the web are comparison sites or flight aggregators, and they search hundreds of places for you with one query. The only downside is that no one comparison site has the best prices every time. To get the absolute lowest one-way flight price, you must compare many comparison sites. The easiest way to do that is via our flight finder dashboard. We compare the best websites for one-way flights, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, momondo,, JetRadar, etc.

How much can I save by comparing different websites for one-way flights?

Sometimes savings can be substantial, especially when comparing aggregators to one travel agent's prices. You can reach many more sites in seconds, whereas you have a limited selection of offers with one travel agent. You can save up to 20% off your one-way ticket by comparing sites. Enter your details, and we'll show you prices from the world's leading comparison sites.

Are KAYAK's one-way flights search good?

Yes, KAYAK is one of the worlds leading comparison sites, and they have built a reputation for providing solid one-way flight results from hundreds of travel sources. However, the fact remains that KAYAK can be beaten on some occasions. The best way to ensure you're getting the best deal is to compare multiple sites alongside KAYAK using our flight finder.

How efficient is's one-way flight search? has developed a powerful flight search engine that employs a tactic known as virtual interlining. They compile one-way fares from multiple airlines that traditionally do not co-operate. They also offer a Kiwi guarantee should something genuinely unforeseen happen and you happen to miss your connecting flight. They will cover the cost of your flight in any such eventuality. You can compare Kiwi results using our search engine alongside other comparison sites.

About Skyscanner's one-way flights search engine?

Skyscanner is one of the world's best search engines to find cheap one-way flights. They search hundreds of airlines and travel agents in seconds to find you great deals. Once again, the only downside to Skyscanner is that other aggregators can beat their prices on occasion. The best way around this is to search Skyscanner alongside many other comparison engines that you can easily do via our flight finder dashboard.

Is it cheaper to buy one-way flights or return flights?

Generally speaking, one-way tickets are relatively more expensive than round trip flights. The main reason is that the airline taking you there and back is usually the same with a return, and they can lock you into loyalty, whilst with a one-way ticket, that may not be the case. Occasionally, you can find bargains on one-way flights, especially when airlines promote certain flash sales. The best way to find these sales is to use our flexible dates search, which will give you a rough idea of cheaper days to fly one way. 

When is the cheapest time to buy one way flights?

Unsurprisingly, the cheapest time to book one-way airline tickets is during the off-peak season. Off-peak varies from country to country; however, generally speaking, it is a quieter time when school starts and families are less likely to getaway. The best way to find the cheapest times to fly is to use our flexible date calendar, which gives you price estimates in a particular month or the entire year.

Do Google flights have the best prices on one-way flights?

Google flight search is a handy tool to find lower-priced one-way flights, and their calendar is convenient in locating the cheapest times to fly. However, Google prices are not always the most reasonable and can be beaten by Skyscanner, KAYAK, JetRadar and Our best advice is to use Google to find the best dates to fly (if you have a flexible itinerary) and then come to and search those exact dates using our search engine to see if you can save any more.

How do I find flexible one-way flight tickets?

To find flexible flights with no change fees, select the filter which says 'no change fees' on our primary search results. This will then show you those fares which incur no penalty should you need to amend or cancel your booking for whatever unforeseen reason. If you are looking for flexible flights because you are flexible with your dates, use our flexible search engine to give you a rough idea of the cheapest dates to fly.

What are some other tips for acquiring cheap one-way flights?

Some travel hackers use one tactic to get cheaper priced one-way flights: buying a 'throwaway' ticket. This is when they purchase a round trip flight for less than a one-way flight and disregard the returning leg of the trip. It can work on occasions but does not come without risk. It may breach the airlines' terms of the contract, and you should be aware of this before engaging in such a practice. Another tactic that has recently become popular is to find hidden city ticketing. This is where a one-way trip with a layover at your destination is cheaper than flying direct; you disembark at the layover and forgo the rest of the journey. Again this is not without risk and may breach certain conditions with the airline, although no such penalty has been enforced. You can find hidden city tickets via Skiplagged, which you can easily compare using our flight finder dashboard.

FlightsFinder in the press

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'World's first meta-meta flight search' to be better than Google?

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