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How to find the cheapest flight deals to Spain

04 April 2024

In this article we outline some important information on how to find the best and cheapest flight deals to Spain departing from UK airports. We also elaborate on which sites to use to get the best deals and lots of other useful travel information when travelling to Spain.

Questions and answers in this document:

  1. Cheapest month to find deals to Spain?
  2. Cheapest city in Spain to fly into?
  3. Cheapest UK airport to fly from to Spain?
  4. Cheapest search engine to use?
  5. Do direct flights to Spain exist?
  6. Expert help for Spain flights.
  7. 2 one way tickets or return?
  8. Cheapest multi city flight deals to Spain?
  9. Cheapest business class to Spain?
  10. Cheapest Airlines to Spain?
  11. Cheapest travel agent to Spain?
  12. Extra tricks to find deals to Spain.
  13. What is considered a reasonable price to Spain?
  14. How long are flights to Spain?
  15. Best time to travel weatherwise to Spain?
  16. Best things to do in Spain?
  17. How to find cheap one way flights to Spain?
  18. How to find the cheapest first class flights to Spain?
  19. How to find best hotel deals in Spain?
  20. How to find best package deals to Spain?
  21. How to find best car rental deals to Spain?
  22. How to find best train and bus deals to Spain?



What month is the cheapest to find cheap deals in Spain from the UK? 

Cheapest month to fly to Spain
April and May are the cheapest months to fly into Spain from the UK. In April, you can fly from London to Ibiza for £17, from London to Palma in May for £23, or from London to Castellon de la Plana For £24. Use our flexible flight dates option in our search engine to discover the cheapest deals.


Which city in Spain is the cheapest to fly into from the UK? 

Cheapest Spain Airports
Some of the cheapest cities to fly into Spain from the UK are Ibiza, Palma, Castellon de la Plana, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Corvera, Santander, Madrid, and Barcelona. All offers are below £50 return off-peak.


Which UK airport is the cheapest to fly from to Spain?

Cheapest UK to Spain Airports
The cheapest flights to Spain depart from London Airports. Smaller London airports that serve budget airlines usually offer the most affordable flights.


What is the cheapest search engine to get cheap flight deals to Spain from the UK?

Compare flights to Spain
We recommend using our Flight Finder search engine to find the best possible deals. You can shave some money off flight prices by checking multiple search engines. For example, we did a search from London to Barcelona in May and got these results -

KAYAK - London to Barcelona = £64
Skyscanner - London to Barcelona = £63
Kiwi - London to Barcelona = £68
Jetradar - London to Barcelona = £66
Jetcost - London to Barcelona = £52 (cheapest)
Momondo - London to Barcelona = £64
Skiplagged - London to Barcelona = £64
Cheapflights - London to Barcelona = £64

Jetcost had the best price in this case. To ensure you are getting the best deal, always compare prices and check.

Can I fly directly to Spain from the UK?

Yes, there are numerous direct flights to Spain from the UK. Some cities you can fly directly into are Barcelona, Malaga, Gran Canaria, Seville, Milan, Madrid, Santander and Ibiza. The average direct flight time is 2 hours and 58 minutes. Some airlines that offer direct flights to Spain from the UK are Easyjet, Ryanair, British Airways, Jet2, Iberia and TUI.

Can an expert help me find the cheapest deals from the UK to Spain?

Yes, you can ask our experts to find the cheapest possible flights to Spain for a small fee. They will guarantee to save you money, or you get your money back. Fill out a straightforward form, and they will get to work for you - (expert help)

Is buying two one-way tickets or a return flight to Spain from the UK cheaper?

We recommend searching both options and comparing prices using our search engine. We searched for a flight from London to Barcelona in May and found the following results.

Return flight - 

London to Barcelona 20th to 27th of May = £64

2 One-way flights- 

London to Barcelona 20th May = £39

Barcelona to London 27th May = £46

As you can see in this example, the return flight was cheaper than purchasing two one-way tickets, but you can always compare using our search engine to double-check for any route.

How do I get the cheapest multi-city flights to Spain from the UK?

It would help if you compared multiple flight comparison engines to get the cheapest multi-city flights to Spain. For example, we searched for London to Barcelona, Barcelona to Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria to Malaga, and Malaga to London in May and got the following results -

KAYAK - LON > BCN - BCN > LPA - AGP - AGP > LON = £138

Skyscanner - LON > BCN - BCN > LPA - AGP - AGP > LON = £176

Jetradar - LON > BCN - BCN > LPA - AGP - AGP > LON = £161

Kiwi - LON > BCN - BCN > LPA - AGP - AGP > LON = £177

Momondo - LON > BCN - BCN > LPA - AGP - AGP > LON = £138

As you can see from this example, KAYAK has delivered the best price. You should always compare and check to be sure of getting the best deal.

How do I get the cheapest business class flights to Spain from the UK?

We recommend comparing multiple flight aggregators on our site to ensure you get the best business-class flight deal. For example, we did a search from London to Barcelona and got the following results- 

KAYAK - London to Barcelona = £338

Skyscanner - London to Barcelona = £345

Jetradar - London to Barcelona = £341

Kiwi - London to Barcelona = £398

Momondo - London to Barcelona = £338

Cheapflights - London to Barcelona = £338

KAYAK found the best deal on this occasion for £338. Always search multiple search engines to be confident of the best possible deal.

Which airlines are the cheapest to fly to Spain from the UK?

The cheapest airlines to fly into Spain are Easyjet, Ryanair, Jet2, Vueling, Wizzair, and TUI.

Which travel agent offers the cheapest flights to Spain from the UK?

We recommend using our search engine to discover the cheapest travel agents offering flights to Spain. A quick search for return flights from London to Gran Canaria in the peak summer revealed the following most reasonable travel agent prices:

KAYAK - London to Gran Canaria = £271 with Mytrip

Skyscanner - London to Gran Canaria = £410 with

KIWI - London to Gran Canaria = £270 with 

Jetradar - London to Gran Canaria = £274 with GotoGate

Momondo - London to Gran Canaria = £271 with Mytrip

Jetcost - London to Gran Canaria = £293 with FlightNetwork


As you can see in this example, is the cheapest agent. Always compare multiple sites to ensure you book with the most inexpensive agent. Also, you have a more extensive selection of who to book with if you don't trust the booking agent on offer.

What extra tricks can I use to get cheaper flights to Spain from the UK?

The best tricks include:

    • Checking flexible dates.
    • Checking nearby arrival and departure airports.
    • Checking multiple search engines.
    • Keeping luggage to a minimum and utilising frequent flier miles.


Ask our experts to do the hacking for you, and they will employ the best tricks to get you the most significant discounts here - (Expert help)

What is a reasonable price for a flight to Spain from the UK?

For flights to Spain departing from London, here is a rough guide to what is considered a good deal - 

London to Barcelona - Anything below £80 is considered low. Anything above £170 is considered high.

London to Malaga - Anything below £45 is considered low. Anything above £165 is considered high.

London to Madrid - Anything below £60 is considered low. Anything above £165 is considered high.

London to Palma de Mallorca - Anything below £55 is considered low. Anything above £190 is considered high.

London to Alicante - Anything below £65 is considered low. Anything above £180 is considered high.

From Manchester:

Manchester to Barcelona - Anything below £100 is considered low. Anything above £240 is considered high.

Manchester to Malaga - Anything below £85 is considered low. Anything above £170 is considered high.

Manchester to Madrid - Anything below £75 is considered low. Anything above £230 is considered high.

From Birmingham:

Birmingham to Barcelona - Anything below £75 is considered low. Anything above £165 is considered high.

Birmingham to Malaga - Anything below £45 is considered low. Anything above £260 is considered high.

Birmingham to Madrid - Anything below £125 is considered low. Anything above £265 is considered high.

From Edinburgh:

Edinburgh to Barcelona - Anything below £110 is considered low. Anything above £180 is considered high.

Edinburgh to Malaga - Anything below £80 is considered low. Anything above £220 is considered high.

Edinburgh to Madrid - Anything below £120 is considered low. Anything above £205 is considered high.

Which UK Airports offer direct flights to Spain from the UK?

You can get direct flights to Spain from London, Bristol, Nottingham, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Bournemouth, Newquay, Durham, Aberdeen, Exeter, Cardiff, Inverness, Castletown, Jersey, Southampton and more.

How long are flights to Spain from the UK?

The average flying time from UK airports to Spanish airports is 2 hours and 29 minutes.

Here are some average direct flight times for popular routes:

London to Barcelona - direct flight time is roughly 2 hours and 10 minutes

Manchester to Barcelona - the non-stop flight time is approximately 2 hours 20 minutes

Edinburgh to Barcelona - the flight time is about 2 hours 45 minutes 

London to Madrid - direct flight time is roughly 2 hours 25 minutes

Manchester to Madrid - the non-stop flight time is approximately 2 hours 35 minutes

Edinburgh to Madrid - the flight time is around 2 hours 25 minutes

London to Palma - direct flight time is roughly 2 hours 25 minutes

Manchester to Palma - the flight time is approximately 2 hours 45 minutes

Edinburgh to Palma - the non-stop flight time is about 3 hours and 0 minutes

In which month is the weather best for travelling to Spain?

The best month for traveling to Spain largely depends on your preferences and the regions you plan to visit. Generally, the spring months of April, May, and June, as well as the early autumn months of September and October, are often considered the best times to visit Spain. During these months, the weather is typically pleasant with mild temperatures, fewer crowds, and plenty of sunshine. However, if you're visiting coastal areas or seeking beach weather, the summer months of July and August can be ideal despite being hotter and more crowded. Conversely, if you're interested in skiing or mountain activities, winter months from December to February could be suitable for visiting regions like the Sierra Nevada or Pyrenees. Ultimately, it's best to research the specific regions you plan to visit and consider your preferences for weather and activities when choosing the best time to travel to Spain.

The warmest months are July and August, and the coldest are December and January.

How do I find out the best things to do in Spain?

You can scroll down this page to see some of Spain's best things to do. Alternatively, you can search for activities in Spain using our search engine or ask our experts to find you the best things to do in Spain for the best possible prices. Some of the most popular experiences in Spain include visiting - 

La Sagrada Familia  - Gaudí-designed landmark church

Park Güell  - Park with Gaudi's sculptural buildings

Alhambra  - Fortified hilltop Moorish complex

Ibiza - Ibiza Town, nightclubs & beaches

Casa Milà  - Gaudi masterpiece housing arts venue

Casa Batlló  - Fantastical Gaudi-designed apartments

La Rambla, Barcelona  - A cultural hub for shopping and sights

Gran Canaria  - Beach resorts, golf & Las Palmas shops

Costa del Sol  - Beach, golf, amusement park, marina, and water park


How do I find the cheapest one-way flights to Spain from the UK?

It would be best to compare multiple search engines to find the cheapest one-way flights to Spain from the UK, as prices vary from site to site. For example, we did a one-way search from London to Seville over the Christmas period and found the following costs on various search engines:

KAYAK - London to Seville = £144

Skyscanner - London to Seville = £106 (cheapest)

Kiwi - London to Seville = £152

Jetradar - London to Seville = £152 

Momondo - London to Seville = £144

Skiplagged - London to Seville = £138

Jetcost - London to Seville = £144

Google flights - London to Seville = £152

Skyscanner found the cheapest flight for this search, which cost £106. Always compare search engines using our site to determine the best price.

How do I find the cheapest first-class flights to Spain from the UK?

We recommend comparing multiple flight aggregators for the best price on first-class cabin flights. For example, we did a first-class flight search from London to Barcelona in the summertime and found the following price difference -

KAYAK - London to Barcelona = £10,826

Skyscanner - (nothing found)

Kiwi - London to Barcelona = £5493

Momondo - London to Barcelona = £10,788

Google flights - (nothing found)

The results vary quite a bit, as evident from the results. Always check many sites before settling on a final option, which you can easily do using our search engine.

How do I go about finding the cheapest and best hotels in Spain?

Use our hotel search aggregator to find the best hotel deals in Spain. We compare prices from multiple sites, including KAYAK, Tripadvisor, and momondo. We also compare holiday apartments and homes for rent via VRBO so you can make sure you find the best accommodation possible. Alternatively, you can ask our experts to help you find the best deals.

How do I find the best package flight and hotel package deals to Spain from the UK?

You can find the best package deals in Spain using our search engine, which compares multiple sites like KAYAK, momondo and Alternatively, you can ask our experts to help you, and they will search over 30 package holiday websites to guarantee the best price possible.

How do I get myself the best car rental deals in Spain?

Use our search engine to compare multiple car rental aggregators and find yourself the ideal rental vehicle. We compare Skyscanner, KAYAK, momondo, and Or, if you want to relax, let our experts find you the best deal. Fill out 1 form and pay your expert a small fee, who will search every rental site for you and then present you with the best deal personally tailored for you at guaranteed prices. Just fill out this simple form to get started - (Expert help)

How do I get the best train and bus deals in Spain?

You can use our powerful train and bus search engine if you are looking for the best train and bus deals around Spain. We compare trains and buses from KAYAK, Kiwi, 12Go, momondo and Cheapflights, which check trains and buses from Amtrak, Greyhound, SNCF, Eurostar, Via Rail, National Express, BlaBlaCar Bus, Flixbus, Megabus and many more. Another option is to ask our train and bus experts. All you have to do is fill out a straightforward form and pay a small fee to an expert who will personally assist you with finding the best deal tailored for you. Ask a train and bus expert here to get started.

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